Sunday, November 6, 2016

Of Mice and Men

Everyday I am in this rotting jail cell I dream of a eutopic place my brother Lincoln and I will go. Unlike George and Lennie's dream house, of a small house with cows and pigs and rabbits, our dream house and lifestyle will be in Panama, where we will open a dive shop and spent our days on the water. Now you might be wondering how a prisoner got ahold of a novella, or even how a prisoner knows what a novella is.  I mean everyone in prison is supposed to be dumb, considering all of us did something stupid to get in right? That's where you're wrong, I actually have a degree in civil engineering and I work (or worked) as a structural engineer. As you most likely, or most likely wouldn't assume I actually had a purpose for the crime I committed, that's another story for another blog post. I've decided to start reading Of Mice and Men considering I have quite alot of free time (more like a quarter of my life of free time). First thing I would like to address is why the hell is George so mean to Lennie. I mean isn't it clear the guy clearly has some mental disorders, there's no need to be that rude. I know sometimes people get on your nerves I have met quite a few, how should I put this, lets say I've met quite a few non smart, non mature people here in Fox River as well. It doesn't give me the right to make rude comments about them and tell them to go live in the mountains, even though that wouldn't technically be a possible in this situation. Besides this one main point I noticed in chapters 1 and 2, the book is interesting and I cant wait to read more and share my thoughts, till next time fellow readers.